Adjustments For A Healthy Heart
For years, our traditional American diet has been high in meat and animal fat. Even today, folks feel they are not eating if there is no steak or chicken leg on their plate. The reality is that folks are not lacking the ingredients of a burger, many are however lacking in vegetables, fruits and grains […]
Improving Eating Habits
It is common knowledge that not fueling up with the right nutrients and not exercising properly can affect how well your body performs as well as your overall fitness. Improving eating habits is something we can improve on throughout our life. Many folks seem to miss out on some of the basics of what it […]
Sammamish Nursing Homes Option
24 Hour Senior Care Sammamish Nursing HomesAre you touring Sammamish nursing homes for an assisted living option? Our team at Angelic Care, an assisted living residential home, located in Sammamish, Washington, is delighted to invite you by for a cup of coffee and a great experience! Angelic Care is an alternative to nursing homes, an […]